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Empower the people in your organization to gain insights with ease using familiar tools. Learn More

BICenterPowerPivot.png Explore and Analyze Data

Create powerful data mash-ups of millions of rows of data from various sources using PowerPivot.

BICenterPowerView.png Design Interactive Reports

Create presentation-ready reports that tell a compelling story using Excel and Power View.

BICenterExcelDashboard.png Share Dashboards

Publish dashboards that users can interact with using Excel Services.



  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque luctus, libero eget luctus aliquam, neque nisi lacinia lorem, eget mattis ligula urna vitae mi. Proin lacus velit, ultrices non imperdiet eget.
    Nunc rhoncus, felis et posuere imperdiet, leo enim pulvinar magna, in pellentesque pede risus vel orci.